4 Tips to Know if You Are a Workaholic or a High Performer

Workaholic or High Performer

Most people mistakably believe that workaholics and high performers are the same. It’s also not uncommon for workaholics to label themselves as high performers. But, they are not really alike.

A workaholic is more prone to stress and works hard without necessarily producing concrete results, which leads to burnout. A high performer is happier, more results-driven and knows the difference between being a workaholic and high performer.

Working Hard vs. Working Smart

Most workaholics mistake being busy for being productive. They work at breakneck speed and resent ‘lazy’ coworkers because they don’t work with the same intensity as they do. In the office, workaholics are seen as hard workers but this does not mean that they are high performers.

Meanwhile, high performers focus on the outcome. They carefully plan their strategies. They acknowledge the importance of rest to get the creative juices flowing, so they take time out when necessary. They believe in working smarter rather than working harder. They prioritize things that really matter rather than getting worked up over less important tasks.

Moving Goalposts vs. Accomplishing Goals

No matter how hard they work, workaholics don’t feel satisfied so they constantly push forward. Despite their accomplishments, they still find something wrong, so they tend to over-work.

On the other hand, high performers set goals. They have clear ideas of what they need to do to become successful. They feel a sense of happiness with their achievements and share it with the people around them.

Increased Chances of Burnout

Workaholics tend to treat everything at work as an ‘emergency’. As a result, they feel exhausted all the time. It also can make their coworkers feel agitated because they feel that they cannot possibly meet their standards or ever really relax.

High performers know how to conserve energy. They know when to work hard and when to unwind. They value ‘downtime’ in preventing work burnout and improving work camaraderie.

Reactivity vs. Proactivity

Workaholics usually stress themselves by concentrating on a single issue. They begin each day working frantically on random things. In the end, they never have the time to get to the actual vital task, which means working overtime or asking others to work overtime.

High performers like to prepare for any potential future challenges. They start each day with an agenda to make sure all essential things are addressed first.

Do you feel like you are working too hard, yet not accomplishing your goals the way you would like to? A coach can help you to go from feeling burned out to being a fulfilled high achiever.

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