5 Tips for Communicating Effectively with Your Customers

Communicating Effectively with Your Customers

Great communication is the foundation of every relationship, including customer relationships. Building a lasting relationship involves using good communication techniques, whether you are communicating in-person, over the phone, or by email. Here are our top tips for building and maintaining a positive working relationship.

Anticipate Customer Questions

By anticipating customer questions in advance and presenting answers for them, you can avoid a lot of back and forth communication and misunderstandings. This is true both before you start the relationship with the customer, and during the relationship. Also, ask the customer what questions they have and continue asking them questions as needed. Asking questions also shows interest, so have a list of them ready.

Making Your Communication More Clear

Use words that are easy for everyone to understand rather than using industry jargon. Also, use complete sentences. These days, it is common for people to communicate via text, but use email instead when possible because text messages are short and are easier to misunderstand. For example, if you just text “Password?”, the customer may not understand that you are looking for their password. So it would be better to send a message that says “What is your password?”

Text messages also use acronyms, such as BTW (by the way), that not everyone may know the meaning of and some acronyms also have multiple meanings. Texting can also come across as too casual and unprofessional.

Also, make sure to eliminate background noises and distractions when speaking to customers over the phone or in person.

Paraphrase Communications

Paraphrase or summarize communications to avoid any misunderstandings. For example, after having a meeting, send the customer a summary of the important points discussed to make sure you are on the same page. Also, when communicating via email, if you are unsure of the meaning in an email, you can check by saying, “It sounds like you are saying ______. Is that right?”

Use a Positive Tone

Make sure to set and maintain a positive tone when communicating with customers. Allow them to finish speaking before you respond. This shows respect and that you are listening. Also, use positive statements rather than negative ones to reduce roadblocks and to create a positive relationship. Instead of telling a customer what you can’t do for them, focus on what you can do.

Make Use of Handwritten Notes

Sometimes, a handwritten note can work even better than a phone call or email. Since most people these days use email instead of written notes, a handwritten note can make you stand out, especially when trying to reach a decision maker. Also, writing a follow-up letter, a thank-you note or a birthday card can go a long way in building and maintaining customer relationships.

A coach can help you and your team to improve communication with your customers to build and maintain effective relationships with them.

Ralph White
Business Coach, Author, Artist & CEO
310.372.8538 | Ralph@Consulting2Win.com
www.PossibilitiesUnlimited.com | Contact

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