5 Tips for On-boarding New Hires

onboard a new hire

Onboarding new hires using a structured process is essential. It allows them to get familiar with the new business they are working with, meet team members, and learn the details of the job. This contributes to a new employee wanting to stay with a company longer because it helps them to do their work to the best of their ability. Here are some ways to make the onboarding process a success.

Show them the Office

Giving the new hire a tour of the office is essential for helping them to get acquainted with their new environment and colleagues. It will help them to get comfortable more quickly and to learn about the business culture.

Have things Ready

Having the new hire’s workspace ready, including phone, computer, and office supplies, will help them to feel welcome when they arrive and allow them to get started as soon as possible. Also, be prepared to give them an employee handbook and orientation guide so that they can familiarize themselves with the company and its rules. Having a training guide ready is also very beneficial because it can allow a new employee to follow a step-by-step process for learning the job.

The Training

Begin training the new hire on their first day of work. Give them adequate information so that they can perform their job well. This can include giving them a demonstration in person, having them watch training videos, and giving them standard operating procedures to follow. Since there is a lot to get familiar with on the first day, don’t overwhelm them with too much information. At first, have them do smaller assignments that help them to learn about the company and their role.

Get Feedback

Getting feedback from the new employee at the end of each day is important for making sure that they are comfortable, on track, and understand all of the details of their work. Allow them to ask questions to get clarification on anything that they may not be sure about. This is a good way to prevent misunderstandings and to ensure that the new hire completely understands their duties.

Have a Mentor Available

Assigning a mentor for the new hire is a great way to make sure that they learn what they need to as quickly as possible and have someone that they can pose questions to even when their manager may not be available for questions. Chose a mentor that is patient, understands the job that the new hire will be doing and has good communication skills.

A coach can give you support and guidance to help you to build your company onboarding process. Get in touch today!

Ralph White
Business Coach, Author, Artist & CEO
310.372.8538 | Ralph@Consulting2Win.com
www.PossibilitiesUnlimited.com | Contact

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