5 Tips for Reducing Workplace Distractions and Boosting Productivity


To optimize workplace productivity, we must reduce distractions as much as possible. There can be many different distractions competing for our attention, including phones and emails, people coming into the office, and multi-tasking. They can interrupt our focus, and after that, it can take several minutes to refocus and get back on track. In this article, we go over some of these distractions and how to eliminate them.

Having a Tidy Workplace

Eliminating distractions starts with having a work station and work environment that is neat and orderly. Items should be well organized so that they can be easily and quickly found, this includes the files in your computer. Having a tidy workplace also helps to provide clarity and reduces feelings of overwhelm.


Although people often think that they will save time by multi-tasking, it actually does the opposite. A person cannot focus well on more than one task at a time. Therefore, trying to focus on more than one task effects the quality of work and can make you tired more quickly. Also, switching back and forth between tasks is not time-efficient. For example, when you are working on your computer on many tasks, you may have to switch back and forth between many screens.

Create Blocks of Time

A great way to prevent multitasking is to schedule tasks for the day in a calendar. This way, you can focus all of your energy on one task at a time. Also, during each task, eliminate things that can disturb that task. For example, if you are going to be writing an article, you might turn off your phone and close screens on your computer such as social media pages. Sometimes, you might need to take a break during a task. If you need to do this, it is best not to start a new task, but to do physical activity like walking around the block once or twice.


To build a strong and confident team, avoid micro-management. It can cause employees anxiety and cause them to take more time on tasks than is really necessary. On the other hand, giving your employees their tasks and letting them handle the details builds trust and encourages creativity and growth.

Talking to People

If you are working in an office environment, you might experience interruptions from the people in your environment. To limit the distractions, you can let people know when you are working. You might put on headphones or put up a sign to let people know you are busy. You can also let people know times that are good for approaching you for a conversation.

Phones and Emails

We get many texts, emails, notifications, and phone calls throughout the day, so it can be tempting to constantly check these. But doing so can cause a lot of interruption throughout the day, making it more difficult to stay on track. So it is best to schedule times during the day for checking these messages.

For guidance on optimizing the productivity of your particular office, consult a coach today.

Ralph White
Business Coach, Author, Artist & CEO
310.372.8538 | Ralph@Consulting2Win.com
www.PossibilitiesUnlimited.com | Contact

Click here now to set up an appointment to talk to Ralph.