How to Create the Perfect Business Name


Finding the perfect business name is critical to the success of your brand. The right name strengthens your brand identity and creates a stable foundation for future growth. It can seem like an uphill task to find good business name ideas, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are some tips to help you create the perfect business name for your company:

Align Your Business Name with Your Brand Image

Ask yourself what your brand represents and how you want it to be perceived by customers. Is your brand image solid and conservative, vibrant and fun, or quirky and rebellious? Your business name should be able to conjure the same kind of imagery in the minds of your potential customers. It is best to pick a name that you will still be able to use as your business changes and grows. Also, imagine what your logo would look like with your business name.

Keep It Simple

The shorter your business name is, the easier it will be for people to remember it and spell it. Longer business names are not only more difficult to read, but also pose all kinds of practical problems when it comes to documentation and long-term usage.

Use at the most a maximum of 2 to 3 words. But notice how large companies tend to use only one word because this is more practical. Some examples are Dell, Amazon, and Target.

Use simple words. Do not use complicated words, especially those that look foreign or are difficult to pronounce. Also, research what your name means in other languages because it may mean something undesirable in another language. The name should also be easy on the ear. The catchier your business name is, the better.

Make it Relevant to Your Business

Good business names make it easy for customers to recognize what the brand is about. Avoid using names that don’t seem to have any connection to your brand or services. Focus on what your brand is providing when considering business name ideas.

Business Name Generators

There are several business name generators you can find online that help you brainstorm company name ideas. Shortlist at least 5 to 10 names before you go on to the next step.

Is Your Name Taken?

The next item on your checklist for creating the perfect business name is to find out if your name is already taken. Research to find out if your business name is already trademarked by someone else, in which case you cannot legally function using the same name. Always consult legal advice in case of doubt.

Once you’ve narrowed down some potential names, look through online domain providers to ensure that you can find a domain that matches. Your domain will be the name that your website will have online.

If your business names don’t pass either of the above-mentioned tests, it’s time to go back to the drawing board and brainstorm once again.

The Importance of Patience

Good business names are rarely created on the fly. Professional firms can take weeks or months to create brand names. As an individual, allow yourself adequate time to come up with a name that you personally love and can stick to for the long run.

Validate Your Names

Share your business names with potential customers and gauge interest.

Take help if you’re struggling. You may think you have the perfect name but it doesn’t count unless it generates the same kind of buzz from other people.

A business coach can also help you to generate ideas and identify the best possible name for your business.

Ralph White
Business Coach, Author, Artist & CEO
310.372.8538 | | Contact

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