5 Tips for Creating a Great Company Culture


Creating a great company culture is important for attracting the best employees for your team, having a positive work environment, and retaining top talent. Although smaller companies don’t have the budget to offer lots of perks like large corporations can, they can still take steps to create an effective working environment. Here are out tips for how to establish and build a great company culture.

Create a Vision for Your Culture

Create a vision for your culture by writing down what you want your culture to look like. This will usually be tied to your company mission and values. For example, if your business is very customer service oriented, then you will want a culture of employees who are great at communicating with all types of people. Also, define the energy level of the culture. Do you want a fast paced or more casual environment?

Find the Right People

Once you have established your vision of what you want your company culture to be like, add this to your hiring process, making sure that the people you hire complement your company culture. Your company culture should include diversity to ensure that you have various points of view. Also, consider where your company has weaknesses and hire people who can turn them into strengths.

Balance Work and Life

Businesses that create company cultures that help their employees to balance work and life have happier and healthier employees. These employees are also more likely to stay with the company long-term. Occasionally offering free food and games to employees helps to boost their motivation and job satisfaction. Offering to pay for memberships to exercise classes or allowing employees to work from home, at least part of the time, also helps to keep them healthy and improves their work-life balance.

Emphasize Positive Communication

Having a company culture that emphasizes positive communication can go a long way in creating a positive and productive work environment in which employees feel comfortable and heard by management. It also fosters better relationships among colleagues and with customers. Build a culture with an open-door policy in which employees feel free to come to you with questions and suggestions.

Monitor Your Company Culture

Monitor your culture to make sure that you have the right one in place that will help you to get to where you want to be with your business. In some cases, you might realize that your culture needs to be adjusted. For example, it may be too relaxed and you may not be reaching your goals as a result. You may also have hired some people who are not a fit for your business. But also keep in mind that your culture can evolve over time as your business also evolves.

A coach can give you guidance for building a great company culture that empowers your organization and helps it to grow and succeed. Get in touch today!

Ralph White
Business Coach, Author, Artist & CEO
310.372.8538 | Ralph@Consulting2Win.com
www.PossibilitiesUnlimited.com | Contact

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