How Entrepreneurship Can Help You Achieve Authentic Happiness

Authentic Happiness

Authentic happiness is often seen as the end goal that one must strive to achieve through acquisition or relationships. The reality, however, is that happiness is a state of mind. And, when it comes to creating and maintaining a state of mind, the intention is key. Nowhere is this more evident than in entrepreneurship. Here are some ways that entrepreneurship can help you achieve authentic happiness:

Having a Vocation That You Believe In

The word “vocation” is different from the word “employment” in the sense that vocation is about having work that is personally inspiring and fulfilling. The most successful entrepreneurs have a specific purpose and vision. Every milestone on the path to achieving that purpose and vision is a cause for personal fulfillment and celebration.

How to Be Happy on a Shoestring Budget

When going through the process of starting a business, one quickly realizes that work must be accomplished within the resources that are available. For instance, until his business becomes profitable, an online entrepreneur needs to make his business run using cheaper resources for creating a functional website, using an email services provider, and running marketing campaigns.

Learning to work within existing means builds resilience and fortitude, two keys that are essential for successful entrepreneurship and for being able to deal with inevitable setbacks and challenges. Without them, it is easier to give into doom and gloom.

Development of Patience and Tolerance

Entrepreneurship also teaches you patience and tolerance. Inpatient and intolerant people are rarely happy since nothing and no one measures up in their eyes. They often make mountains out of molehills.

As an entrepreneur, one comes across many challenges that need to be worked through in order to achieve success. Without patience and tolerance of failures and setbacks, and the willingness to overcome them, it is impossible to be successful. Patience and tolerance also enable one to be more accepting and considerate of others. Finding happiness then becomes easier, despite the flaws and imperfections of daily life, because there is no constant search for ready-made perfection.

Becoming a Better Person

Knowing that you are becoming a better person day by day through being an entrepreneur can be hugely gratifying. Entrepreneurship requires you to push yourself and go beyond any boundaries that you may have set for yourself. You must show up, be visible, take accountability, solve problems, create solutions, multi-task, learn new skills, cooperate with others, develop reasonable expectations, and most of all, grow as an individual. Stagnancy has no place in entrepreneurship.

Authentic happiness is a natural by-product of pushing beyond the boundaries that keep you limited. For instance, many entrepreneurs find visibility a challenge from ongoing issues with self-esteem. Being able to break that barrier through introspection and mindful action reaps huge benefits in terms of both personal growth as well as business success.

The guidance of a coach can empower you to build the skills and character you need to succeed and experience authentic happiness.

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  • Ralph White - Business Coach
    Ralph White
    CEO, Business Coach, Author, Artist
  • Bryan White Business Coach at Possibilities Unlimited
    Bryan White
    Business Coach