How to Be a Good Leader and Not Just the Boss

be a good leader

On the surface, it can feel like the terms “good leader” and “good boss” are seemingly interchangeable. However, being a leader isn’t quite the same thing as being a boss. A boss is someone who manages your department, drives changes, and makes critical decisions. A leader, on the other hand, is more of an intangible construct because a leader is someone who is able to influence others simply by virtue of being himself or herself.

While all leaders end up being bosses in some shape or form at some point in their lives, not all bosses necessarily make good leaders. Here are some ways you can be a good leader and not just the boss.

Be The Person Who Can Always Be Trusted

A leader is a person that others instinctively trust. Great leaders display these qualities in their interactions with employees:

  • They are always transparent, whether the news they have to convey is good or bad.
  • They maintain fairness in their exchanges. You can expect a good leader to do what’s honorable and what’s right.
  • They do not gossip behind other people’s backs. And, they do not break a confidence.
  • They do not unduly praise you nor do they unduly criticize.
  • They show respect towards others. When you show respect to your employees they, in turn, will respect you.

Recognize the Achievements of Your Employees

Employee recognition is one of the most critical components to engaging and retaining top talent. Good leaders understand the importance of praise and recognition for a job well done. It is human nature to want to be recognized for achievements. Employees are more likely to respect and want to continue to work for the boss when he or she appreciates the good work that they do.

Be a Good Communicator

Good communication skills are one of the best leadership traits a boss should choose to develop. Communication skills are less about speaking a language effortlessly and more about effectively communicating with others. Good leaders understand different communication styles and are able to tailor their reactions to the needs of the moment.


Passion can be infectious. A leader is passionate about what they do and this passion can be very inspiring for the people who follow them. Passion is what makes someone want to wake up every morning determined to follow through with their goals. Passion is also what makes someone want to continuously learn and get better at everything they love to do.

Great Leaders are Solid Decision Makers

It’s hard to work for someone who struggles with making critical decisions. Leaders distinguish themselves from your average boss by their ability to literally grab the bull by the horns and make big decisions on the fly without breaking a sweat.

If your goal is to become an influential and respected leader, the guidance of a coach can help you to get there.

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  • Ralph White - Business Coach
    Ralph White
    CEO, Business Coach, Author, Artist
  • Bryan White Business Coach at Possibilities Unlimited
    Bryan White
    Business Coach