How to Become an Expert Communicator


How well do you communicate? Are you communicating well enough to become successful, or are you just barely getting your point across? Communication is important for things such as networking and building relationships. The more you build up your communication skills, the closer you’ll get to achieving what you want in life.

Whether you’re looking for love, fame, or fortune, the key to achieving your goals is to develop your communication skills. Think about it for a moment. To find love, you need to give love and you can only do that by communicating your intentions. To find fame, you need to go out there and let the world know you exist. You can only do that by developing your communication. And to gain a fortune, you also need to build relationships.

Communication skills are an essential part of life, but how exactly do you develop them? Below are just a few ways.

Become an expert communicator both with and without words

Words are just one form of communication. You can communicate in other ways that don’t require the use of words. For instance, a smile, hand gestures, and body movements are all highly effective forms of communication.

Pretend you’re a stage actor

If you’ve ever seen a stage play, you might have noticed that the actors over-extend each movement. You can learn a lot about body language from watching them.  

Effective communication is all about the ability of your audience to absorb what you’re trying to communicate. Some will absorb more than others but your rates improve by the way you communicate. Often, communicating in a detailed yet concise manner is the key to ensuring that everybody understands.

Focus on engagement

One of the reasons why presentations fail is not because of the way they were presented, but because there was a lack of engagement. When you get up on stage or in front of a group of people, forget about performing a presentation. Instead, think about engaging with your audience.

When you engage with your audience, you find out how they feel and what they want from you. You make the audience a part of the experience. Once this happens, they’ll be more interested in what you wish to impart.

Learning to listen well

A large part of learning comes from listening, especially when learning about methods for communicating effectively. To become an expert communicator, you will first need to become an expert listener.

Words may be important, but timing is everything

One of the most important elements of effective communication is timing. You don’t just need to know what words to say and how to say them, you need to know when. If your timing is off, your audience will either not understand what you’re saying or misunderstand what you’re trying to impart.

If you want to become an expert communicator, then become a master at timing. It may take a while to develop this skill, but it is worthwhile.

A coach can help you to develop great communication skills for building personal and business relationships.

Ralph White
Business Coach, Author, Artist & CEO
310.372.8538 | | Contact

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