How to Clear the Clearing in a Relationship

How to Clear the Clearing in a Relationship

“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” – Carl Bard

Healthy relationships require open communication, trust, and mutual understanding. Sometimes, unresolved issues and unspoken expectations can create barriers, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. “Clearing the clearing” is a powerful process that helps people address and resolve these issues, creating a fresh start and a stronger foundation for the future. In this blog, we explore how to effectively clear the clearing in a relationship, step by step.

1. Acknowledging Broken Agreements

The first step in clearing the clearing is acknowledging any broken agreements such as forgotten promises or unmet expectations and apologizing for them. Doing so shows accountability and a willingness to improve.

2. Seeking Feedback

To clear the clearing, it’s essential to understand the other person’s expectations. Ask them if there are any expectations they’re waiting for you to fulfill. This open-ended question encourages honest feedback and provides an opportunity to address any unmet needs or desires. By asking for this information, you also show that you value the other person’s perspective.

3. Resolving Incomplete Issues

Unresolved issues can damage a relationship over time, so it’s important to try to clear them up. Ask the person in the relationship to share any old issues or expectations they may have and be prepared to listen actively and empathetically. Address these concerns thoughtfully and work together to find resolutions. This shows your dedication to moving forward positively.

4. Communicating Your Expectations

Clearing the clearing is a two-way street. After addressing your partner’s concerns, it’s essential to communicate your own expectations, broken agreements, and incomplete issues. Be honest and specific about your needs to ensure that the other person understands them. Clear communication fosters mutual understanding and strengthens relationships.

5. Offering a Chance for Closure

After sharing your thoughts, give the other person the opportunity to do the same. Encourage them to express any unresolved emotions or expectations. This exchange creates a balanced conversation and ensures that both parties feel heard and respected. By providing a safe space for open communication, you lay the foundation for a healthier and more transparent relationship.

6. Creating an Empty Canvas

Once you have addressed and resolved past issues, you are left with an empty canvas—a fresh start for your relationship. Completing the past allows you to let go of any lingering negativity and focus on building a positive future together. This paves the way for growth and strengthens your relationship.

7. Setting Future Expectations

With the past resolved, it’s time to look forward. Discuss and establish mutual requests and requirements for each other going forward. What do you need from each other to maintain a good relationship? Setting clear expectations helps prevent future misunderstandings and ensures that both sides are on the same page.

Completing the past and setting future expectations creates a new state of being for your relationship. It fosters trust, understanding, and mutual respect, allowing you to build a stronger partnership.


Clearing the clearing is a transformative process that can significantly improve the quality of your relationship. By addressing broken agreements, unmet expectations, and unresolved issues, you create a clean slate and a stronger foundation for the future. Open communication, mutual understanding, and a commitment to growth are key to maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Embrace the power of clearing the clearing and watch your relationships thrive.


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Ralph White
Business Coach, Author, Artist & CEO
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