How to Manage Multiple Businesses Successfully


As an entrepreneur, you may get to the point where you are running a successful business but you want to start other businesses as well. If done right, having more than one businesses can be great for manifesting new ideas and increasing your cash flow. However, in order to successfully balance multiple businesses, you need to be able to efficiently manage your time and resources. Here are our tips.

Apply Processes Across Multiply Businesses

One of the great things about having multiple businesses is that you do not need to completely re-invent the wheel when you start a new one. You can transfer and share certain successful resources and processes across your different businesses. For example, you might have standard operating procedure templates that can be applied to more than one type of business. You can also do similar tasks for your various business simultaneously.

Establish Your Leaders

Identify and train great people in each of your businesses to be the leaders so that you will be able to step away from your businesses and still have them run smoothly without your presence. Those you choose should have proven themselves to have initiative, be able to manage responsibility, communicate well with others, be ethical, and be in alignment with the long-term vision of your business. Have meetings regularly with the leaders of your companies so that you will know what issues need to be addressed in each one.

Keep Detailed Records for Each Business

Maintain detailed reports for each one of your businesses so that you will see how they are progressing and where there are areas for improvement. This will also help you to accurately balance your budget for each business to maintain a positive cash flow. Monitor each department of your businesses, such as sales, customer service, and marketing.

Keep Yourself Organized

Remain well-organized by having lists of to-do items for each of your businesses. Also, create to-do lists for your personal life so that you can manage this together with your business schedule. Track the time that you spend on tasks for each business so that you will be aware of which business is requiring more of your time. Also, have your team track the amount of time that they spend on tasks so that you will see where improvements can be made.

Focus on Your Main Strengths

Rather than trying to do everything in your businesses, focus on contributing your main strengths to them and have others help you with the rest. Create a hiring process to help you to find people who are the right fit for your businesses and their cultures. Create cultures that encourage your employees to learn and grow. Maintain open communication with your teams.

A coach can give you guidance for how to effectively manage multiple businesses. Get in touch today!

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  • Ralph White - Business Coach
    Ralph White
    CEO, Business Coach, Author, Artist
  • Bryan White Business Coach at Possibilities Unlimited
    Bryan White
    Business Coach