Reopening Your Business After COVID?

How to Reopen Your Business

Many companies had to shut down their operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As business are allowed to gradually open back up, it’s important for them to have an effective strategy that ensures the safety of everyone on their premises as well as the successful operations of the businesses. In this article, we discuss some tips for reopening your business after COVID.

Limit Physical Contact

Limiting physical contact in on-site business locations has become an important part of the new normal. This includes limiting contact such as hugs and handshakes. Consider all the physical points of contact in your business, how you can reduce them, and what equipment might help with this goal. Create rules, train your staff, and keep them updated on any changes.

Reduce the Sharing of Items

When reopening your business after COVID, don’t forget to consider shared items. Note what items are shared in your business and how people come in contact with various surfaces. Some of the things to consider include desks, computers, pens, and coffee stations. Consider the ways in which you can reduce contact. For example, you can replace door knobs with door openers that can be opened with your arm or leg rather than with your hand. You can also supply customers with their own pens. Where possible, have workers use tools that are specifically assigned to them rather than shared.

Establish Rules for Cleaning and Sanitation

Among the important considerations when reopening your business after COVID is cleaning and sanitation. Having hand sanitizers available for both employees and customers will help to keep everyone safe and maintain customer confidence in the safety of your establishment. If you have tools or equipment that are used by multiple people, create and post instructions for how to clean them between uses.

Optimize Your Spaces for Social Distancing

One of the ways to optimize the physical spaces in your business is to organize things in a way that will help people to stay 6 feet apart. Think about specific areas, including your workstations. Limit the use of social areas such as kitchens and breakrooms as much as possible. When you do use them, make sure that they are set up to follow proper guidelines. Make sure to post signs explaining your rules, such as letting workers know to wash their hands for 20 seconds before returning from a break.

Ensure that your spaces are well cleaned and disinfected regularly. When possible, hold meetings online rather than in person. But if you do need to have in-person events, adjust the number of people that your rooms can hold to accommodate social distancing and make sure that the rooms have adequate ventilation.

A coach can help your business to adjust to the new normal. Get in touch today!

Ralph White
Business Coach, Author, Artist & CEO
310.372.8538 | | Contact

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