How to Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone

Most people are happy to stay within the bounds of what’s perceived to be comfortable and familiar to avoid the unnecessary anxiety of doing something new or diving off the deep end into something altogether unknown. But stepping outside of your comfort zone and challenging your fears has a whole host of fascinating benefits such as:

  • Inspiring new changes that can help you become more successful
  • Being able to work past anxieties and grow as a result
  • Making new friends and enjoying different experiences
  • Learning more about yourself as an individual, your strengths, and weaknesses
  • Improving your resilience in dealing with change
  • Conquering the fears of needing to be perfect and in control

Here are 5 ways to challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone, starting today:

Build a Positive Mindset

Much of the fear associated with doing something new or different is self-imposed. Consider the regrets you will have later in life at not having attempted something outside of your comfort zone and realizing it may be too late. Think about all the very real and tangible benefits that you can achieve from stepping beyond the familiar. You will feel fresh and invigorated at conquering your fears and embracing a new challenge head-on.

Take Small Steps

Diving off the deep end can be frightening when considered as a whole, but breaking down the experience into small manageable incremental changes can mean that individual steps are that much more achievable as well as enjoyable. Rather than making a sudden switch into unfamiliar territory, think about making tiny changes to test the waters and see how far you can go whilst still stretching yourself.

It’s a Learning Experience

Remember to take every single tiny step as a learning curve. Do not judge yourself on outcomes. Focus on the effort and congratulate yourself for going further each day. Embrace the experience of it and the new knowledge and confidence that you have because of it. Most of all do not fear rejection for putting yourself out there. You are just as deserving and worthy as anybody else.

Create a Support Network

Change can be scary, particularly later in life. That’s why it’s so important to surround yourself with people that are positive and encouraging towards you. Share your achievements with people that count and inspire you to do better. Remember that real success comes with action and you will be happier with yourself when you’ve taken that first step and made the effort.

Rinse and Repeat

Habits are ingrained more firmly with consistent application and effort. Keep challenging yourself to step outside your comfort zone over and over again and you’ll be genuinely surprised at how much you are able to achieve. Pause and reflect on every small step you’ve taken.  Ask yourself how you can do better next time. This reflection and considered action will help you grow as a person and go from strength to strength.

So, ask yourself today where you’ve been holding yourself back. Think about one small change you can implement today to overcome your fears and then do it. Remember to congratulate yourself on a job well done afterward.

If you would like to step out of your comfort zone to make changes in your life, you can get there more easily with the guidance of a coach.

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  • Ralph White - Business Coach
    Ralph White
    CEO, Business Coach, Author, Artist
  • Bryan White Business Coach at Possibilities Unlimited
    Bryan White
    Business Coach