Let Go of the Past: 4 Effective Ways

let go of the past


For many people, the past is filled with fond memories. Unfortunately, not all of us are so lucky. Some people have experiences in life that they would rather forget, if only they could; experiences that have not only hurt their past but continuously threaten to wreak havoc on their future as well.  However, the key to avoiding the past destroying the future is not forgetting it. The solution is to let go of the past and here are four effective ways to do this.

1. Acceptance
The past is the past and nothing you can do can change this. Therefore, you’ll need to have a mindset of acceptance. Accept that you experienced something that was hard and let it go. Continue making plans for your life and striving to live the way you want to.

2. Determine why you should let go
There is always a point in life when we need to say enough is enough to things that are keeping us down. Is your past holding you back from achieving a better future? Why do you think this is happening? It may be you’re afraid that the past could repeat itself. Whatever the reason is, you need to find out. Once you find out how the past is holding you back, let it go.

3. Get a grip on your emotions
All of us have emotions. We wouldn’t be human or even alive if we didn’t. Emotions are a part of our genetic make-up, but what makes us different is the ability to manage our emotions. You have the ability to control your sadness, happiness, fear, envy, or any type of emotion. If you believe that your emotions about the past are making you relive it day after day, then it’s time to get a grip on those emotions and control them.

It’s not necessarily about letting go of the emotion completely or forcing yourself not to feel. It’s about controlling the intensity of the emotion. It’s all right to be sad, but if you’re in anguish every day, learn how to tone down the emotion.

4. Meditate
If exercising at the gym is the key to physical health, then meditation is the key to mental health. Spend time every day to focus on what you want to accomplish in life. The more you focus on the things you really want, the less you will focus on negative things and emotions. Think of the strategies to achieve your goals. Meditate on controlling your emotions so that you can let the past go.

If you condition your mind, the body will follow. Focus your mind to let go of the past and strive for the future. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how your body will respond to whatever your mind chooses it to do.

Everybody has the right and the ability to make a better future no matter how difficult the past has been. In fact, many people who are now very successful had a tough start or went through difficult challenges but overcame them. If you want to have a better life then strive to reach your goals. Don’t let anything, especially the past, stand between you and success in life.

A coach can help you to identify and let go of things in your past that may be blocking your success so that that you can live the life you really want.

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