The BE-DO-HAVE Model for Effective Business Leadership

The Be Do Have Model

“Success is not something you pursue. What you pursue will elude you; it can be like trying to chase butterflies. Success is something you attract by the person you become.” – Jim Rohn

In the world of business leadership, the Be-Do-Have Model is a powerful tool that can transform the way you lead and guide your teams. This model originates from the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and offers a holistic approach to leadership, encompassing not just what you do, but also who you are being and the ultimate outcomes you wish to achieve. In this article, we explore what the Be-Do-Have Model is and how it can be used for effective business leadership.

What is the Be-Do-Have Model?

When people want to acquire something in life, they usually start with the “Have” domain, where they desire to have material possessions or achievements. This leads to actions in the “Do” domain geared towards obtaining those desired things, often involving hard work without a strategic approach. These actions are done with the intention of eventually “Being” someone or something they aspire to be.

However, in the Be-Do-Have Model, it is believed that true breakthroughs and transformations occur primarily in the realm of “Being” and so it can be more efficient to begin with this realm when wanting to achieve something. For example, if someone wants to become a veterinarian, they would declare “I am a veterinarian.” This declaration would be followed by immediate actions aligned with this new identity. Thus, the emphasis is on “Being” and then “Doing” actions in alignment with that identity.

The main message of the Be-Do-Have Model is that focusing on “Having” first can hinder transformation, while declaring and embodying a new identity and taking aligned actions can be more effective for genuine change and personal growth.

The Power of Being

In the context of leadership, “Being” is about who you are as a leader, which begins with envisioning, declaring, and embodying the kind of leader you want to be. This is the foundation upon which your actions and outcomes are built. Effective leaders:

1. Consistently align their decisions and behaviors with desired outcomes.

2. Receive feedback without judgment, using it as a valuable learning tool.

3. Are motivated to explore the implications of feedback for desired outcomes.

4. Assess the broader impact of their actions on their organization, on others, and on themselves.

These core qualities serve as a guide for leaders to adjust their being as needed to fulfill their leadership roles effectively.

The Art of Doing

Once you have a vision, the next step is to strategize and take action. Leaders must continually explore different ways of doing things and adapt to changing circumstances. Their alignment with outcomes ensures that their efforts lead them closer to their goals, rather than spinning their wheels. It’s also crucial for leaders to consider their organization’s values and beliefs when making decisions.

Leaders don’t need to have all the answers from the outset. They can start with a vision and improve along the way. The key is to remain focused on desired outcomes and adapt actions accordingly.

The Essence of Having

Leaders are often driven by a desire to achieve something, whether it’s hitting key performance indicators, completing a project successfully, or delivering exceptional team results. This desire establishes the basis of the “Have” aspect in the Be-Do-Have Model.

Results ultimately define the success of a leader. Therefore, it’s important for leaders to start with a clear end in mind. Their desired outcome should be vividly communicated so that it becomes a shared vision among their team members. Effective leaders communicate this vision on a consistent basis, making it easily recognizable to everyone involved in the organization.

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Ralph White
Business Coach, Author, Artist & CEO
310.372.8538 | | Contact

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