Why True Grit is the Key to Success and 5 Ways to Develop It


Talent and luck can only get you so far ahead in the race. The secret to outstanding achievement is a special blend of passion and persistence called “grit”. So, what is grit? It is that small voice inside of you that asks you to focus on the goal and keep going no matter how long it takes or the number of challenges stacked up against you. It is the stuff that separates the dreamers from the achievers. Entrepreneurs need to develop grit to be able to not just sustain themselves but also thrive. Here are five ways to develop true grit:

1.  “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work” – Thomas Alva Edison

The most successful people in the world do not allow setbacks to keep them down. They simply pick themselves up, dust themselves off and try again. Develop grit by not allowing setbacks to stop you. Instead, focus on the end goal. A lot of energy is unnecessarily dissipated on thoughts around failure when they can be more constructively channelized towards winning. Think about what you can do differently the next time around to realize your ambitions.

2.  “We’re about winning and accountability” – Bob McNair

People with grit can often be identified by how accountable they are for their own thoughts and actions. Successful people take responsibility for the way they think and act on those behaviors, especially when the chips are down. When things don’t go the way you planned, do you make excuses or run away, or do you display grit by getting down in the trenches, rolling up your sleeves and taking responsibility to overcome the setbacks?

3.  “To some extent, being an entrepreneur is a lonely journey” – Chad Hurley

Being a successful individual can mean feeling alone sometimes. For example, you might have an idea or vision that you believe in that nobody else seems to understand or believe in yet. It’s easy to keep going when everyone believes in you and supports you. But there are occasions where you may have to make unfathomable decisions and keep persevering before you can start to win people over to your side. Develop grit by having faith in your vision, and most of all believing in yourself no matter what anybody else thinks.

4.  “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway” – Susan Jeffers

Fear is a powerfully paralyzing emotion. It can stop you dead in your tracks and prevent you from truly achieving anything of value. Keep putting yourself out there and be willing to take the risks that take you out of your comfort zone. Fear looms big only as long as you allow it to. Grit happens when you grab the bull by the horns and take action regardless of the fear. Feeling the fear and doing it anyway is a test of character and true grit.

5.  “You can’t control the fact that people will annoy you, but what you can control is your reaction.” Anonymous

Having control over their emotions is a key distinguishing factor of people with grit. Allowing bad moods to overtake you means that you may end up making decisions that you regret later or reacting in ways to people that can often be difficult for them to get over. Conversely, excessive optimism and confidence mean that you overreach in your thoughts and actions. Aim for the middle ground where you have a solid grip on your feelings and a realistic outlook to match.

Grit is the ability to fall down six times and get up seven. Remember that grit isn’t a quality you have to be born with. It can be developed over time.

Working with a coach can help you to develop the grit you need to overcome setbacks and stay on track.

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    Ralph White
    CEO, Business Coach, Author, Artist
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