5 Cold Calling Tips to Increase Sales

cold calling

Online outreach has become a popular way of connecting with new people and gaining business. Because of this trend, some believe that cold calling is no longer effective. However, if done well, cold calling can still be a good way to generate new customers because it allows you to have a live voice conversation with someone. Here are some tips.

Set Goals for Cold Calling

Whenever you call someone, have your end goal in mind. For example, this can be setting up an appointment to do a presentation. Create a spreadsheet that shows your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals for making calls and closing deals. Having clear goals will help you to stay on track each day.

Be Aware of Your Tone

Having a good tone can make a big difference in the success of your cold calls. You need to be confident, positive, and energetic. You can record your calls so that you can go back to them and see if they have these elements. You may be surprised that you sound different from how you believe you sound.

Use a Script

Having a script will guide your conversation on the phone so that you won’t forget what to say. It should include who you are, what you do, and why you are calling. It’s best to practice your script until you have it well memorized so that you won’t sound scripted when you speak. This way, you can also pay more attention to what the prospect is saying. Also, be ready to answer any objections or questions about your products or services.

Book an Exact Time

If you are wanting to schedule a meeting with the prospect, make sure to book an exact time. Otherwise, you may not be able to connect with them again. It’s good to give the prospect a couple of choices for when to meet. For example, you might say “Next week, I have a couple of openings on Monday and Thursday. What works best for you?”  Then you can ask them if they prefer mornings or evenings. Next, you can give them a couple of choices for the time.

Verify Important Information

Before ending the call, verify that you have all the correct information from the prospect, such as their name, email address, and the best phone number to reach them at for further communications and for sending them a message about the next meeting. If you will be meeting them at a physical address, make sure you have the correct address.

For guidance on how to take your team’s cold calling to the next level, consult a coach today.

Ralph White
Business Coach, Author, Artist & CEO
310.372.8538 | Ralph@Consulting2Win.com
www.PossibilitiesUnlimited.com | Contact

Click here now to set up an appointment to talk to Ralph.