6 Questions to Consider When Choosing a Niche


Choosing a niche for your business can seem daunting but niching down can help to systemize your business so that you can more quickly and effectively scale it. Here are several questions to consider when choosing a niche.

How Easily Can You Get Customers Results?

One of the most important things to consider when choosing a niche is how easily you would be able to get the customers in the niche results. In order to know this, you may need to take a course, do some research, or talk to people in the industry who can provide you with that information. By being able to get your clients results more easily, you can cut down on the amount of time that it takes to do the work and also increase your ROI.

How Much Work Will it Take?

The amount of work that you will need to do is related to how easily you can get the clients results. Will the number of hours that you need to work be worth the effort and the amount that you can be compensated for the work? Will you need to create complicated procedure guides or will you be able to easily pass the work on to others, if that is something that you want to do? By passing on the work, you will be able to scale your business more easily.

How Much Can Customers Generally Afford to Pay You in the Niche?

Another important consideration when choosing a niche is the amount that people in the niche can pay you in general. Is the amount enough for your goals? For example, if you can generally charge $2,000 a month to people in a niche, does that match the amount that you want to be paid per client? You also need to consider that since you may want to outsource some or all of the work, will the payment per client be enough to compensate your employees or contractors?

How Easily Can You Find People to Outsource to?

You may start your business off by outsourcing the work, or you could start by doing the work yourself and then outsourcing as your business starts to grow. But either way, it can be beneficial to choose a niche for which it is relatively easy to get results. This can make it easier to find qualified employees or contractors and it also makes it easier to manage your processes without having to build complicated systems. There are now many job websites and online groups available for finding workers; but make sure to have an effective process in place for evaluating candidates.

Would You Enjoy Working With the People in the Niche?

Another consideration, which may not be obvious at first, is whether or not you would enjoy working with the people in a particular niche. It is worth talking to some of the people in the niches you are considering and following them in some online groups to get a sense of the type of people you would be working with.

What Outside Factors Could Impact the Niche?

Before choosing a niche, consider how it may be impacted by outside forces such as what we have seen with the COVID virus. Many businesses have had to change niches due to its impact.

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    Ralph White
    CEO, Business Coach, Author, Artist
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