What Drives Customers to Buy?

Customer Motivations for Making a Purchase

What Drives Customers to Buy? Did you know that there are several primary motivations for why a customer would choose to make a purchase from you? Understanding these motivations can help you to make the sale. You will better understand where the buyer is coming from and what their goals are. It will also help you in negotiating deals. In this article we cover the key customer motivations for making a purchase.

What Drives Customers to Buy?

Improved Health

As the saying goes “health is wealth.” Good health helps people to live a longer and more fulfilling life, which are top reasons for why people make purchases to improve their health. Whether it’s to lose weight or to look and feel better, to sell health products or services well, it’s important to be able to prove that what you offer is effective.

Making More Money

Making or saving money is a common motivator for making a purchase. The best way to sell products or services in this area is to show that you are reputable and have gotten great results for customers in the past. A good way to do this is to use case studies of customer successes or testimonials to demonstrate social proof.


Sometimes people make purchases based on wants rather than needs. This is the case when they buy luxury items, for example. The reason for the purchase is that they want to feel good. This is also the case with impulse purchases. The person may see something that they really like and immediately want to buy it. To help encourage these types of purchases, limited time deals are often used in sales.

Social Influence

Because humans naturally want to fit in and be accepted by others, social influence can be a major motivator for making a purchase. This is why people often follow trends. When someone sees that everyone around them seems to be buying a certain product, they will often want to have it too in order to fit in with the crowd and not miss out. Also, when so many people are buying a product, there is an assumption that it must be good.


People are increasingly understanding the importance of self-improvement and are making purchases to become the best versions of themselves. A common product for self-improvement is online courses. Those who purchase courses generally have a determination to improve their lives or make a major life change, such as becoming an entrepreneur. Therefore, when selling to this type of customer, it’s best to emphasize how their life will look better after they have made the transformation that they want, with the help of your products or services.

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Ralph White
Business Coach, Author, Artist & CEO
310.372.8538 | Ralph@Consulting2Win.com
www.PossibilitiesUnlimited.com | Contact

Click here now to set up an appointment to talk to Ralph.