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The Business Game Plan

“If winning isn’t everything, why do they keep score?” – Vince Lombardi As I write this blog, most of the nation is eagerly anticipating the Super Bowl game between the Packers and the Steelers. The winner has yet to be determined, but one thing is for certain – both teams …

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What’s Your Brass Ring?

“Inherent in every intention and desire, is the mechanics for its fulfillment … Intention and desire have infinite power.” – Deepak Chopra We’ve written a lot about intentions, their characteristics, and why they are crucial to any business or business person. But, given that knowledge, how do you create intentions …

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The Road to Success

“Power is the capacity to translate intention into reality and sustain it.” – Warren Bennis, American Scholar and Founder of The Leadership Institute There are plenty of old sayings about good intentions. Some are positive, some aren’t. At Possibilities Unlimited, we firmly believe that the road to success is paved …

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Let’s Be Intentional

“We wanted Nike to be the world’s best sports and fitness company. Once you say that, you have a focus. You don’t end up making wing tips or sponsoring the next Rolling Stones world tour.” – Philip Knight, Founder, Nike We are halfway through January, and it’s time to get …

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Old Dog, New Tricks

“Your success in life isn’t based on your ability to simply change. It is based on your ability to change faster than your competition, customers and business.” – Mark Sanborn, Leadership Expert Last year my twelve-year-old Maltese, Casper, taught himself how to knock over our kitchen trash can, thus availing …

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The Case For Coaching

“A good coach will make his players see what they can be, rather than what they are.” – Ara Parashegian, Hall of Fame College Football Coach We’ve all heard that definition of insanity…repeating the same actions over and over with the expectation of a different result. This adage is especially …

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The Business Bucket List

“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do…Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain, American Author As I was watching the Packers play the Vikings this evening, I was thinking that it would be great to someday …

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Do You Need a Business Coach?

“You must remain focused on your journey to greatness.” – Les Brown Many of the people we work with have never worked with a business coach before. Quite often, they know they need support to keep moving their businesses forward, but they are hesitant about signing on with a coach. …

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What Are Your Intentions?

“Excuse me gentlemen, but what exactly are your intentions?”  Tom Hanks as Captain Jim Lovell, Apollo 13 As business coaches, we are constantly working with people to craft their intentions for their businesses. It’s surprising how few people have put serious thought into what they want to get out of …

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