During the Coronavirus Pandemic, a large number of businesses have needed to make changes to their systems and processes to continue to operate. Many have put certain business functions on hold, such as hiring and lead generation. However, maintaining a good sales strategy at this time can be especially important for generating new business and keeping your doors open. But some changes may need to be made to your strategy. In this article, we discuss the topic of generating sales during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Build Your Online Network
Since going to in-person networking events is not an option during the Coronavirus pandemic, online networking strategies, such as LinkedIn networking, have become more important than ever. As the saying goes, you reap what you sow. Even if people don’t buy from you at this time, you can build relationships with them now so that when they are ready to buy in the future they will have you in mind.
Focus on Must-Have Products or Services
During uncertain times, people cut back on “nice-to-have” products or services and focus on keeping the things that they consider essential. Therefore, focus on selling things that are essential to people and businesses. However, be careful about slashing your prices because a change like this can impact your business for a long time. Rather than reducing your prices, you might offer a smaller package if your customers need to cut back on what you are offering them.
Form Partnerships
Forming partnerships with other businesses can be a great way to reduce costs and to exchange referrals. Keep in touch with your partners on a regular basis so that they will think of you when an opportunity presents itself that you could help with.
Changing Your Strategy
Consider how you may need to change your sales and marketing strategies to maximize results for your business, both in the present environment, and for the future. For instance, if your business included doing a lot of in-person events, now can be a good time to create online events and programs.
Revisit Potential Customers
Reconnect with potential customers to see if you can help them with anything. This includes people who you spoke to in the past who did not become customers for various reasons. If you have ideas and solutions that can support their business, this can help you to start a conversation with them. Also, speak to current clients to see how you can support them with changes they may need to make in their business.
A coach can help you to create a strategy for your sales and marketing so that you can continue to generate sales during uncertain times. Get in touch today.