What to Do When a Prospect Has Become Unresponsive

When a Prospect Has Become Unresponsive

Have you ever been in a situation where you were talking to a prospect and everything seemed to be going well, but then you suddenly did not hear from them again? There can be a variety of reasons for this. Maybe they were just looking for information, so they did not respond after you answered all of their questions. Or maybe it has to do with something happening within their organization. But whatever the reason is, you may want to re-engage the prospect’s attention to get the conversation going again. Here are some tips.

Try a Different Contact Time

Vary the days and times that you contact your prospect by email and phone. If a certain day and time did not work the first time, try a different one. For example, if you could not get through on Monday morning, you might try Wednesday afternoon. This is good to do because your prospect might be scheduled to do something specific, such as have a meeting, at the time that you have been trying to call.

Start a Fresh Conversation

When you re-engage with the prospect, start a fresh conversation. Do not mention that you haven’t heard from them because mentioning this can cause them to feel guilty and want to avoid the situation. So instead of referring to what happened in the past, start a new conversation from scratch.

Use a Different Close

Perhaps a salesperson has asked the prospect for a close such as an in-person meeting with them, or a sales call. If they do not get a response from the prospect, they might try asking for the same close again by contacting them through email, by leaving a voicemail, or by sending a message through a social media platform. However, asking for a different close can be a better approach.

Contact Someone Else in the Organization

You can try sending your prospect information and asking them to call you once they have read it, in order to discuss it and to ask them some questions. If you don’t hear from them and are unable to re-establish a connection with them then you might try reaching out to someone else in the company and sending them the information.

Use a Personal Approach

You can try a personal approach rather than a business approach to connect with your prospect. Find information about them online by doing a search and looking at content such as their LinkedIn profile and website. You might comment on a trip they have taken, for example, or something they like to do outside of work and ask them a question about it.

Since the question is friendly and non-business related, it can make it easier for the prospect to respond because people are usually happy to talk about themselves. This will also help you to build rapport. Later on, you can circle back to your original goal of scheduling a meeting with them.

For more information or training on how to effectively do prospecting for your business, consult a coach today.

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