5 Winning Strategies for Email Marketing Success

WholeLife Matrix: Financial Viability / Marketing & Sales

“Good content isn’t about good storytelling. It’s about telling a true story well.”

— Ann Handley, Marketing Profs

The email marketing piece of your marketing strategy is a key component. Here are some tips to help ensure that people open your messages, read them, and click the links you provide to reach your site and offers.

1. Personalize Your Email Messages

Your email message open rates improve when you send messages from a real person’s name instead of a company name. This is because people are more likely to trust an email from a person’s name. For example, an email sent from “John Smith” at Star Enterprises would perform better than an email from “Star Enterprises.” Combining the sender name with the company name can also work well. For example “John Smith, Star Enterprises.”

Also, using an email address that contains a person’s name works better than an email address that contains just a company name. Therefore, “jsmith@starenterprises.com” would perform better than “marketing@starenterprises.com.”

2. Write a Short and Concise Message

Writing messages that are short and concise helps to ensure that people will read what you have written and make a decision to take further action, such as buying a product you are offering. Also, spam filters may flag newsletters that contain long copy, which results in your messages ending up in spam boxes.

3. Optimize Your Links
Link your main offer in several places within your newsletter and have a clear call to action button. Put at least one clickable element at the beginning of your message. Otherwise, if you don’t do this and your message is long, people may not scroll all the way down to see and click on your links.

Also, include links to your site by linking your images to your site. For text links, it is best to link a phrase that has 7-10 words because this is more noticeable than a short link.

4. Include Social Media Share Buttons
Including social media share buttons in your newsletter messages will help to spread your message. Many newsletter providers have templates that allow you to add these buttons. You can also manually add your own.

5. Test Your Emails
Always review and test your emails before your send them out. Read the copy to make sure there are no spelling errors, check all links and send a test email to yourself to see how the message looks.

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Ralph White
Business Coach, Author, Artist & CEO
310.372.8538 | Ralph@Consulting2Win.com
www.PossibilitiesUnlimited.com | Contact

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