Doing the Right Things Right

“The best interest of the patient is the only interest to be considered, and in order that the sick may have the benefit of advancing knowledge, union of forces is necessary.”
– Dr. William J. Mayo

An exceptionally good example of a business that specializes in Doing the Right Thing Right occurs at the world-renowned Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota. If ever there was an organization that depended on and excelled at systems and structures, it is the Mayo Clinic. While their primary objective is delivering world class medical care, they realize that the only way to provide that care is to be efficient, well-organized, and completely committed to customer service.

Most of the patients at Mayo Clinic come there from out of town, so it is important that they accomplish a lot in a short amount of time.When a patient arrives at Mayo Clinic they receive a preliminary itinerary of appointments that all occur within the space of a few days.After an initial consultation with a physician, that itinerary may be completely changed in a matter of minutes.The patient will receive a new itinerary and may have up to four or five appointments with the appropriate specialists – that day. There is no waiting for weeks to get an appointment, no long and frustrating phone calls trying to reach someone who can answer questions.

The entire operation is focused on customer service. Patient records are communicated immediately to all the departments the patient will visit. Itineraries carry bar codes so that each department can quickly scan for patient information. The patient fills out forms one time at the beginning of the visit. There is very little waiting, and patients can often be seen early if they are running ahead of schedule.

Additionally, volunteers are in abundance, easily identifiable and very willing to help with directions and information. Never at Mayo Clinic is a patient met with an uninterested shrug of the shoulders or the words “I don’t know, that’s not my job.” At Mayo Clinic, it is clear that patient satisfaction is everyone’s job, and everyone is committed to that objective.

Does your business run like the Mayo Clinic? Are all of your employees putting the company’s best foot forward, committed to customer service even if it’s “not their job?” Can you envision what would be possible for your company if you developed the systems and structures that would enable you to deliver a quality customer experience, every time? Would this kind of efficiency and commitment take your company to the next level?

At Possibilities Unlimited, we support companies in developing ways to work smarter instead of harder. When breakdowns occur in company operations, it’s likely because there is not a clear strategy, or a system for accomplishing important tasks. As companies grow and change, it is imperative to develop clearly documented systems and structures to insure that the business operates at the highest level of efficiency. A smooth running machine has multiple benefits ranging from lower costs to improved employee morale, and, most importantly, customer satisfaction.

If you are ready to make some changes to the way your company operates, and would like some help crafting the procedures that will deliver on your company’s vision, we’re happy to help. The coaches at Possibilities Unlimited can give you winning formulas that will transform your company from average to world class, and set you apart from the competition.


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Ralph White
Business Coach, Author, Artist & CEO
310.372.8538 | | Contact

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