Tips for Remembering Information

WholeLife Matrix: Health & Well Being

“Yesterday is but today’s memory, and tomorrow is today’s dream.”
— Khalil Gibran

There are many things that we need to remember in our lives such as to-do lists, where we placed our keys, and information for an exam.  So it is useful to know some ways of remembering all of this information.  In this article, we offer some tips that will help you to remember.

One of the ways that you can remember information is to involve as much of your senses as you can when trying to memorize.  For example, instead of just reading information in your head, speak it out loud.  This will make it 50% more likely that you will remember the information.

Another way to involve you sense of hearing with remembering information is to listen to music while you are trying to remember information.  For studying, classical music such as Mozart, relaxing music, or meditation music are often recommended.  Practicing meditation is also helpful to memory because it enhances both physical and mental function and increases focus and concentration.

Your mind can also associate information with smells, such as the smell of a new perfume you wore while studying.  The same is true with food.  You might eat a type of food you haven’t tried before while you are studying.  If you eat that food again before an exam, it can help you to remember the information during the exam.

One way to use your sense of sight to improve memory is to make drawings.  As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.  So drawings help you to make sense of a lot of information that may be hard to describe in words.  They create a visual image in your mind that you can later recall.  Often, pictures are easier to recall than words.

Flashcards are a great tool for helping you to remember information such as questions/answers, definitions, formulas, quotes and main points. To remember something, we must often repeat the information to ourselves before it reaches our long-term memory. Flashcards help to place information into our long-term memory so they are especially helpful for remembering information that we need to retain for a long time, such as multiplication tables.   

It is easier to remember dates or numbers by breaking up the information.  For example, if you are trying to remember the number 393947, it is easier to break it up into 393 and 947 and memorize those numbers separately.

It is helpful to create a memory tree if you are trying to memorize a large amount of information.  The branches and leaves of the tree will help you to organize and remember information in a logical order and help you to see the big picture. 

Teaching what you have learned to someone is perhaps the best way to know if you have truly mastered the information.  When people ask you questions about the information you present, you will realize what parts of the information you know well and can explain well, and what parts you may need to review for better comprehension and memorization.

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Ralph White
Business Coach, Author, Artist & CEO
310.372.8538 | | Contact

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