How to Organize Your Life

WholeLife Matrix: Resource Management / Information

“Time is more valuable than money.  You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.”
— Jim Rohn

As Jim Rohn pointed out, time is precious because we cannot multiply the time that we have the way that we can multiply money or material things in our lives.  So how can we best organize our time and lives to get the most out of the time that we have?  Below are some ideas:

We all have to-do lists of things that we need to do, but the way that you perceive, organize and use these lists can make a big difference in your outcomes.  When you have ideas for things that need to be done or ideas for a business, etc., you might capture these ideas in your iphone, ipad, diary, etc.  I recommend capturing ideas in an Excel spreadsheet which will make it easy to categorize them in columns and rows and to move them around and sort them in whatever order you want. 

Group your ideas into different categories. If you have more than one business, you can use a different spreadsheet for gathering ideas for each company.  Then you can create subcategories for ideas for each spreadsheet. For example, you might put all accounting ideas into one group, and sales and marketing ideas into other groups. 

By writing down your ideas and organizing them, you will keep from using your mental energy on memorization; that energy is better spent on analyzing data. Einstein knew this well. Someone once asked him how many feet are in a mile and he replied “I don’t know. Why should I fill my brain with facts I can find in two minutes in any standard reference book?”

When you write ideas down, you will also not stress about forgetting them and you will be able to review them and expand on them at a later time that is convenient for you. By grouping ideas, you will make them more manageable and increase your focus. You will be able to determine what is least and most important and determine what you really want for each area of your life or business and why you want it. 

You can determine what outcome you want for each area for each day, week, month, or even year.  Get clear about your outcomes.  For example, if you are having a meeting, get clear about what you want the meeting to accomplish. Make results measurable whenever possible.  The way you phrase your outcome is also important; a few variations in words can affect your outcome.

Put your lists in order according to importance and check the items that are the 20 percent that will get your 80 percent of the results.  For each item, determine the minimum to maximum time that will be needed to accomplish the task. To leverage your outcomes, you can also delegate tasks to others.  Make sure that the people you delegate to understand the outcomes you want and allow them to suggest ways of accomplishing tasks that may be more efficient.

In the WholeLife Matrix, information business information management includes:

1. Market

2. Clients

3. Prospects

4. Competitors


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  • Ralph White - Business Coach
    Ralph White
    CEO, Business Coach, Author, Artist
  • Bryan White Business Coach at Possibilities Unlimited
    Bryan White
    Business Coach