Prioritizing Your Schedule for Work/Life Balance

“Today, you have 100% of your life left. ”
– Tom Landry – Former Head Coach, Dallas Cowboys

How you address your day today is up to you.You can decide to be happy, angry, etc.The bottom line is that your disposition on any given circumstance is based on expectations.

As an example, if you expect to complete a specific task by 6:00 pm and you find yourself at 6:15 pm without the task completed, you will feel stressed. However, had you expected to complete the task at 8:00 pm and nothing else changed, at 6:15 pm you would be completely relaxed and satisfied with your progress. So, if you manage your time and you manage your expectations, you can manage your life.

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” -Stephen Covey

Understand your priorities in all aspects of life – family, work, socializing, relaxation, fitness, community, etc. If you want to lead a fulfilling life, you must be able to devote time to all aspects of your life.

The four elements to managing time and expectations are:
  • Your Radar Screen – the big picture of all the things that command your attention.
  • Collecting the data and events that you will put in your calendar
  • Scheduling specific times for all your work and life activities
  • Deciding what you are not going to do and letting go of those tasks.

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  • When: Every other week, 11 AM to 12 PM PST
  • Where: Interactive conference call with peers and experts
  • Why: It's 100% free, and it's designed to help you win in business and life!

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  • Ralph White - Business Coach
    Ralph White
    CEO, Business Coach, Author, Artist
  • Bryan White Business Coach at Possibilities Unlimited
    Bryan White
    Business Coach