What Everyone Should Know About Creating Infographics

WholeLife Matrix: Financial Viability / Marketing

“I’m a creative guy, artistically with graphics.” – Tim Allen

Infographics are great for telling a story or giving information and tips in a concise and easy to understand format. Here are some tips for making great infographics.

1. Clear and Concise
Your infographic will be most effective when the images and text are clear and concise. Don’t try to include everything in one infographic. For example, if your infographic is about social media, you could focus on a specific platform, like Facebook, and drill down to a specific topic, such as the demographics of people on Facebook. Your infographic should be relevant to your target audience.

2. Balance Graphic and Text Elements
To keep your infographic both visually appealing and informative, keep the visual and graphic elements balanced. Also, balance the amount of content with the amount of white space. Infographics are especially popular on Pinterest where you can see that the infographics with the most engagement are the well-balanced ones.

3. Create the Structure
Larger infographics may get more attention because they take up more space on sites like Pinterest, but be careful not to make your infographic too large and too complex for people to consume. About 8,000 pixels is the recommended length. Also make sure to compress your file size so that the infographic will not take too long to load.

4. Create a Great Headline
A headline that captures your reader’s attention and describes your topic is important for infographics just as it is for blogs. About 70 characters is a good length for headlines. Using this length, the infographic’s topic will be easily understood by readers as soon as they see your infographic.

5. Set Up Your Steps
The sequence of your infographic images and text should be in a logical order, just as they are in a story. To help create this flow, you can create sections of your infographics with different backgrounds, headings and page numbers.

6. Promote Your Infographic
To get your infographic seen, you need to promote it in various ways. You can post it on social media channels and ask others to share it too. For example, you can reach out to influencers in your market and ask them to share your infographic with their audience.

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Ralph White
Business Coach, Author, Artist & CEO
310.372.8538 | Ralph@Consulting2Win.com
www.PossibilitiesUnlimited.com | Contact

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