6 Ways to Increase Your Online Sales

WholeLife Matrix: Financial Viability / Marketing

“Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman – not the attitude of the prospect.”

– W. Clement Stone

So you have a website and a product to sell online, but you are not sure how to kick start your sales or how to sell more of your product. Here are some tips.

1. Create a Survey
By surveying your customers, you can collect important information about their current challenges, the solutions they need, and how you can improve the experience they have working with you. For example, they may give you suggestions for improving your customer service methods. Survey Monkey is a popular tool for creating online surveys.

2. Provide Influencers with Something Free
You can contact entrepreneurs, suppliers, bloggers, and journalists with large followings who are relevant to your niche and send them a free sample of your product to show appreciation for their work. They will likely mention you on their sites and social media platforms which will increase traffic to your site. You can also offer them free products to use for their contests or offer to be interviewed by them.

3. Offer Great Incentives for Newsletter Signups
Email marketing is effective for generating sales so it is important to give people enough incentive to sign up for your newsletter. If you sell products, one effective way to gain signups is to offer subscribers a chance to win a free product each week.

4. Sell Your Products Wholesale
Selling your products wholesale in addition to selling them retail will help to increase your sales. Although you will be selling at a lower price when you sell wholesale, you will be selling your products in bulk so you will make more sales from one order. Fulfilling one wholesale order instead of many small retail orders can save you time. Selling wholesale can also boost your retail sales since the companies that buy form you at wholesale prices will market the product for you.

5. Connect on Groups
Join groups and give the group members value by answering questions, providing industry tips, and advice. You can find forums to join via Google search that are relevant to your industry. Use your forum avatar, signature, and profile page to promote your brand, but don’t spam the groups. You can also use LinkedIn to find companies, suppliers, relevant websites, and join niche groups.

6. Watch Your Statistics
By using a tool such as Google Analytics, you can learn about the buying behaviors of your customers from the time they enter your site to the time they leave. This includes where traffic is coming from, the pages they view, the amount of time they spend on those pages, and the last page they view.

Want to know more? We are excited to offer our Sales2Win course. This course will distinguish you as someone who consistently maximizes their sales and achieves top results.

Click here now to set up an appointment to talk to Ralph.

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  • Ralph White - Business Coach possibilitiesunlimited.com
    Ralph White
    CEO, Business Coach, Author, Artist
  • Bryan White Business Coach at Possibilities Unlimited
    Bryan White
    Business Coach