Activities that Enrich Your Life

WholeLife Matrix: Health & Well-Being / Having Fun

“The quality of a life is determined by its activities.”
— Aristotle

Below we offer some tips for activities that you can do that will both enhance your life and your brain function:

Traveling is one of the great ways to get both physical and mental exercise.  When you travel, your mind takes in and processes a lot of new sights, sounds, smells, and tastes.  This helps to create new connections in your brain.  The various people, lifestyles and cultures you encounter can expose you to new ways of thinking.  Getting away from the daily grind and experiencing new things also helps to reduce your stress level and increases your focus on various subjects. 
Reading is an activity that enhances our imagination and allows us to feel a wide spectrum of emotions.  It introduces us to new subjects and supplies us with more information on things we wish to learn about in various areas such as science, health, relationships, and money.  Reading is also a great stress reliever because when we are reading, we become very concentrated on the reading material and forget about our worries.

Learning a new language increases your intelligence because you learn new words and how they fit together in sentences, which increases your ability to solve problems and plan ahead. Learning a new language may not be easy, but it can allow you to experience a culture on a whole new level when you know its language. 

Playing or listening to music stimulates the brain, increases memory and concentration, and can create a variety of emotions and states of being. Like learning a language, learning to play a musical instrument requires focus and time so you learn to be patient and to not give up easily.

Cooking has various benefits including increasing your creativity and enriching your palate by trying new recipes, tastes, textures and colors.  Cooking also requires the ability to multitask, make decisions fast, make accurate measurements, keep freshness and quality in mind, and have a detail-oriented mindset.

What activities do you enjoy that enrich your life and increase your mental power?  Let us know in the comments.

In the WholeLife Matrix, health and well-being includes having fun, which includes:
1. Alone time

2. Recreation / Hobbies

3. Active Events

4. Events with Others

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Ralph White
Business Coach, Author, Artist & CEO
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