Possibilities Unlimited Business CoachingHelping Business Owners
Successfully Navigate
the Game of BusinessLife
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What Makes Us Different

At Possibilities Unlimited, we are committed to winning the game of BusinessLife.  Our consulting staff comprise talents and experience that touch on all aspects of a successful professional and personal life, from starting your own business to balancing work and family.  Together, they provide a comprehensive approach to keeping you at the top of the game.  Each consultant brings an uncompromising dedication to supporting you in accomplishing your goals.  From big picture ideas to fine-tuning the details, Possibilities Unlimited has the team to coach you to the gold in all areas of your life.

Results You Can Expect

The power of working with us is our ability to create access to the Possibility-Action Winning Path.  Once on this path, you are headed toward a new way of living your BusinessLife.

Results typically include:

  • Increased Sales
  • Increased Profitability
  • Increased Productivity
  • Cohesive and Motivated Staff
  • More Time For A Life Outside Your Business

Free Coaching with Possibilities Unlimited

What to expect from possibilities unlimited business coaching

With over 80 years of combined business experience, Possibilities Unlimited is considered an unparalleled resource for creating measurable results.  We provide mastered skills at tailoring a plan for you and your business to not just survive in challenging times. After all, winning in the game of BusinessLife is why you went into business in the first place.

At Possibilities Unlimited, we’ve had the privilege of working with thousands of outstanding business professionals. We are proud to showcase some truly top-notch product and service providers. Whether you need alternative financing, web design, payroll processing, or just some ideas for good restaurants, we probably know someone who can help.


Vimbly - Ralph White Testimonial

What Kayak provides for travelers, Vimbly provides for those seeking local classes and activities. Possibilites Unlimited client, Sam Lundin, developed Vimbly to provide New Yorkers a way to easily locate, schedule and book classes and activities.  Due to the overwhelming response in New York, and demand from other cities, the Vimbly movement has spread to Chicago, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Seattle, Orlando and Maui and caught the attention of national media at the same time.  Watch for Vimbly to come to a city near you!

Sam Lundin

Kent Holtorf, MD

Kent Holtorf, MD - Ralph White Testimonial

I was recently interviewed in Smart Business so I wanted to pass on the article (read the full article here). Thank you for providing me with the skill-set to be sought after for such an interview. As a doctor, I am passionate about medicine but had no management training and found the management side of running a busy practice to be very frustrating. It was one of the least enjoyable aspects of my job, and I did just enough management to allow the center to run.

Since then, you have provided me with solutions to problems that I thought were unfixable. Each week I look forward to another practical solution that not only saves time and money but also improves efficiency and employee (and patient) satisfaction. Before your coaching, I really did not know what I didn’t know. With your coaching, we have been able to implemented systems that allow us to be able to launch centers across the county. I attribute much of our success to your steady guidance and direction. The possibilities really are unlimited.


Kent Holtorf, MD

Holtorf Medical Group

Kent Holtorf, MD

Hollywood Trading Co.

Hollywood Trading Company - Ralph White Testimonial

One of your clients featured on the cover of the leading consumer magazine in his industry – Respectfully,  Zip Stevenson”

Hollywood Trading Company (HTC), was born in the 1990′s in Los Angeles, California, out of an obsession for vintage, American leather accessories.  A combination of history and reclamation led to reinterpreting their exceptional, historical workmanship with a product that soon captured the attention of fans and retailers with its unique vision of iconic and timeless fashion accessories and apparel.  This is the strongest feature that makes HTC one of the most important points of reference for those passionate for vintage around the world.  Design is focused on a meticulous importance in the details and a thorough research of vintage interpretation.  Made in the USA and Italy, HTC brings hand craftsmanship back into the forefront as each piece is created and finished by hand.  HTC can be found in exclusive specialty boutiques around the world: Neiman Marcus, Fred Segal Trend Los Angeles, L’Eclaireur, Harvey Nichols and Excelsior Milan, Restir Tokyo and I.T. in Hong Kong.


Nellie Partow

Nellie Partow - Ralph White Testimonial

Ralph White is a dynamic individual who understands the intricacy’s of the ever evolving challenges faced in business. I highly recommend Ralph for his expansive knowledge, experience, and unique approach.

Nellie Partow


Ralph’s coaching has not only helped us create the vision for Urban Trend but has been instrumental in bringing it into reality.

Mike Stoll

Bonanza Trade

Bonanza Trade - Testimonial Ralph White

I have worked with Ralph for years.  Ralph provides nuts and bolts solutions that are so simple but make complete sense.  He has always kept track of levels of improvement and pushes his clients to the next level like any great coach does.  I would recommend Ralph as a business consultant any day of the week!

Daniel Abitboul
Bonanza Trade

Account On Us

Working with Ralph as our business advisor has helped us to shape the predictable future of our company.  He is insightful and skilled in facilitating positive change in an organization.  We recommend Ralph as our trusted advisor.


Biotics Research of Southern California

Ralph’s creativity and coaching have been invaluable in the creation and development of me owning my own business.  He has coached me from having a dream to making it a reality.   Biotics Research of Southern California

Tom Van Dyke

SuperD Success

Congratulations to long time Possibilities Unlimited client Super D Aquires Alliance Entertainment, which just completed a major acquisition of competitor Alliance Entertainment. “In a minnow-swallowing-a-whale like deal, Super D has acquired Alliance Entertainment in a move that will make it the fourth-largest U.S. music account behind iTunes, Amazon, and Anderson Merchandisers, which racks Walmart and Best Buy.  Super D, based in Irvine CA, has revenues of about $195 million, sources say,  and Alliance Entertainment, based in Coral Springs, FL, has revenues of about $725 million, which also makes the merged company the second largest wholesaler with combined revenues of about $920 million, behind Anderson Merchandisers.  By Billboard’s estimation, the newly combined company will now have a 6.64% market share in the U.S. behind iTunes 40.6%, Anderson’s 12.2% and Amazon’s 8.6% shares.  Previously Alliance Entertainment was ranked No. 5 and Super D was ranked No. 11, but the merger will move them past the previous no. 4 Target, which had a 5.48% market share in 2012.”

Super D Acquires Alliance Entertainment, Creating Second Largest US Music Wholesaler (Sources)

“Combining the best of both Alliance Entertainment and Super D int the world’s largest retailer of music and video with our continued focus on service, selection, and technology creates enormous possibilities for the company as we approach $1 billion in annual sales,” said Super D president, Jeff Walker, in a statement.

Ralph has coached Super D to find possibilities and translate them into explosive growth as Super D grew from a $48 million company in 2003 to a $142 million company 6 years later.  This unprecedented increase of 296% comes at a time when the overall entertainment industry is shrinking and digital sales are growing.  Super D continues to forge ahead as a frontrunner in the entertainment distribution and wholesale business known for its largest worldwide in-stock selection and best in class delivery systems.

Jeff Walker


Ralph has been coaching our company for a number of years and helped us with extraordinary results in growing our sales team.  During that time we have had 25% increases in sales year over year.  SuperD

Bobby Miranda
V.P. of Sales

12 Steps to Success in BusinessLife

By: Ralph White, CEO/Business Coach, Best-Selling Author

Ralph White is a Business Coach, CEO and the author of 12 Steps to Success in BusinessLife sold on Amazon with a 5-Star rating. Available in hardback or Kindle on Amazon or hardback on PossibilitiesUnlimited.