Family Communication


Matrix Key: Relationships – Family – Communication

 “Any problem, big or small, within a family, always seems to start with bad communication. Someone isn’t listening.”  Emma Thompson

Ten minutes a day is the key to healthy family communication. Some families connect every day over the evening meal, but for others, schedules dictate a different time to communicate.  Time of day or menu are secondary – it is the daily check-in that keeps everyone connected.  When we allow more time to pass, our human nature ensures we forget the small victories and we escalate the minor disconnects.
Family meetings allow a time for everyone to celebrate the wins and find resolutions for the problems.  It is possible that one week’s “problem” may become your biggest “win” after resolution.  Involve your kids in managing the weekly schedule. Make the meeting fun and enjoyable so everyone looks forward to the next one.
In the WholeLife Matrix, we have four aspects for developing and assessing our family communication:
  1. Check-In Daily
  2. Family Meetings
  3. Extended Family
  4. Listening

Developing the communications skills so critical in relating to your partner or co worker are even more important with your kids.  First, because we are all more cooperative when we feel heard and understood.  And second, we want our kids to learn and practice this skill early in life, entering their adult life with this skill firmly established in their toolkit.

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Ralph White
Business Coach, Author, Artist & CEO
310.372.8538 | | Contact

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