Biggest Money Mistakes Series – 2

“Without self-discipline, success is impossible, period.”
– Lou Holtz, Former Head Football Coach, Notre Dame

Many people have gone from broke to multi-millionaire by following some simple concepts that allow anyone to move from debt to wealth, on any income. In this series, you will see that the following money mistakes deal more about attitudes, beliefs and values, versus failing to reconcile your checkbook.

Mistake # 2: Emergencies always show up and ruin my savings goals.
In studying the spending habits of thousands of people for over 20 years I discovered that many people live on 105% to 115% of what they earn. They didn’t plan financially for their vacation, back to school clothes for their children or for the car to break down. But it happens, and when it does they turned to their credit cards to solve the problem and the balances grew and grew.

Solution: In addition to saving for retirement, set aside 10% of your income to spend later on the emergencies you didn’t plan for that will happen anyway. This will also cover back to school clothes, vacations, and possibly property taxes. The goal is to live on 75% to 80% of what you earn after taxes.

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  • Ralph White - Business Coach
    Ralph White
    CEO, Business Coach, Author, Artist
  • Bryan White Business Coach at Possibilities Unlimited
    Bryan White
    Business Coach