Old Dog, New Tricks

“Your success in life isn’t based on your ability to simply change. It is based on your ability to change faster than your competition, customers and business.”
– Mark Sanborn, Leadership Expert

Last year my twelve-year-old Maltese, Casper, taught himself how to knock over our kitchen trash can, thus availing himself of some leftover goodies and miscellaneous food wrappers. Why it took him twelve years to crack the code on this particular achievement, I don’t know. But it goes to show you that even the oldest dog can learn new tricks.

The same holds true for entrepreneurs and business owners. Often, we talk to people about how we can help them grow their businesses through coaching and intentional action. Every now and then we meet someone who is decidedly an “Old Dog”, someone who isn’t open to anyone offering insight on how to navigate the ever-changing markets of the new millennium.They figure a coach can’t possibly understand how they do business, and they figure they know what’s best for their business because they have been doing it for years and years.

I’d like to challenge that way of thinking on two fronts. First, we find that the most successful business owners are the ones who are open to “new tricks.” These are the guys and gals who understand that the only constant is change. They know that if they are not willing to stay current on technology, marketing and networking, their competition will be. If you are in business for yourself, you always need to be on the hunt for training and ideas that will compliment your business and keep it moving forward.

Second, a good coach is not going to tell you how to do what you do best. We don’t tell dentists how to fix cavities, we don’t tell contractors how to build homes and we don’t tell restaurateurs what to put on the menu. A good coach speaks the language of business, and trains the business owner on the actions needed to fulfill his or her dreams for the enterprise.

Training and education are crucial ingredients for the successful entrepreneur. At Possibilities Unlimited, we offer a variety of ways to stay on top of trends as well as hold yourself accountable to your intentions for your business. Are you ready to learn some new tricks? We’re happy to help. Just contact us through our website for a free introductory consultation. You’re never too old to learn something new and build a winning formula for your business.


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Ralph White
Business Coach, Author, Artist & CEO
310.372.8538 | Ralph@Consulting2Win.com
www.PossibilitiesUnlimited.com | Contact

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