WholeLife Matrix: Financial Viability / Marketing
“Social media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice and a platform to anyone willing to engage.”
-Amy Jo Martin
Getting more Pinterest followers can help you to get more views, clicks and engagement including re-pins, comments, and likes. This can result in more traffic and sales for your business. Here are some ways to increase your followers on Pinterest.
1. Follow Other People/Boards
One of the easiest ways to gain more followers is by following people/boards in your target audience. You can find the people/boards by doing a search on Pinterest using a keyword related to your niche. Follow about 100-300 people a day and some will follow you back. Wait about a week and then unfollow the ones who have not followed you back. Repeat the process.
2. Participate on the Boards of Others
Search for popular group boards and ask to be invited to them. Showcasing your pins on a board that has many followers can help to attract some of them to your own board.
3. Promote Your Popular Boards
Since people prefer to follow the boards that they are interested in, instead of your entire account, which includes all of your boards, it is good promote your most popular boards. One way to do this is to put your most popular boards at the top row of your account.
4. Invite People to Pin on Your Boards
You can invite people to pin to your boards to increase your board’s reach and to gain new followers. Since the boards will be displayed on the accounts of those you have invited as well, this will result in some of their visitors becoming followers of your boards.
5. Post Comments on Popular Pins
Use the Popular section of Pinterest to find popular pins that have been commented on, liked, and repined many times. Write interesting comments on these pins that will make people want to look at your account and follow you. Also, occasionally, mention others in comments and pin descriptions to encourage them to follow you.
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